Model domain and grid resolution
black circle: MBARI M2 Mooring station, diamond: MBARI M1 Mooring pinestation
- Horizontal resolution: 1/72 deg. (1.5km).
- finer grid: 1/108 deg.
- Vertical resolution: 28 layers with top layer 20m thick.
Initial and boundary conditions
- The model is initialized by a coarse grid California current system
(CCS) model result using DieCAST ocean model (Haney et al., 2000).
- The lateral boundary is one-way nested from the same coarse grid
CCS model.
- The surface wind stress is derived from Hellerman and Rosenstein's monthly
climatology (Hellerman and Rosenstein, 1983).
- The surface buoyancy flux is computed by restoring both the temperature
and the salinity to Levitus' montly climatology on a 60 day time scale
(Levitus, 1982).