09/1999-09/2003Stanford University, Stanford CA. Ph. D. in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Focus on high performance computing, immersed boundary method, global/coastal ocean modeling, coastal oceanography, higher-order numerical schemes, turbulent mixing and modeling. GPA-4.0/4.0. Dissertation title: “On the development of a ghost-cell immersed boundary method and its application to large eddy simulation and geophysical fluid dynamics.” Advisor: Joel Ferziger. Committee: Robert Street, Stephen Monismith.

09/1997-06/1999Stanford University, Stanford CA. M.S. degree in Biomechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Coursework included cardivascular biomechanics, computational fluid dynamics, and medical image information. GPA-3.9/4.0.

09/1991-06/1995National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering

Coursework included computational mechanics, micro-electronics, and psychology. Honor with President Award GPA-3.87/4.0.


02/2017-presentProfessor, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
04/2012-02/2017Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
03/2012-02/2017Project Scientist II, Oceanography Section, Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research
08/2010-03/2012Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
08/2006-07/2010Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
10/2007-08/2008Adjunct Associate Researcher, Preparatory office of Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratory
09/2007-02/2008Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Marine Environmental Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University
11/2004-08/2006Post-doctoral researcher, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
01/2005-05/2005Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
12/2003-12/2004Consultant, Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan
10/2003-10/2004Post-doctoral fellow, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University


Society and committee

03/2014-03/2014NOAA Climate Variability and Predictability Program, Proposal Review Panel
05/2011-03/2012Chair of Academic Committee, The Meteorological Society of Republic of China
03/2009-07/2011Local Organizing Committee, The 16 th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting
10/2009-06/2010Local Organizing Committee, The COAA 5 th International Ocean-Atmosphere Conference
5/2008-7/2009Executive committee, International Workshop for Numerical Ocean Modeling and Prediction

Public services

08/2018-presentAssociate Editor, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
7/2011-7/2014Editor, ISRN Computational Mathematics
12/2011-12/2013Guest editor, Prog. Oceanogr., Special issue in Recent Advances of Oceanography in Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas
05/2008-06/2010Guest editor, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Special issue in Recent Advances in Numerical Ocean Modeling and Prediction


2014Most Cited Article Award, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2013Most Cited Article Award, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2010Best Paper Award of Dr. Shar-Qian Huang from Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2006Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Refereeing-Water Resources Research
2005Outstanding Overseas Young Scientist, Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship, Taiwan


"Pacific climate variability and the ENSO prediction”, Invited seminar at 2018 Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 11-13, 2018. (Keynote)
"Is El Niño coming again at the end of 2018? -An improved ENSO prediction implicated by a new Pacific climate paradigm”, Invited Seminar at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Aug. 7, 2018. [slides]
"A new North Pacific climate paradigm and its implication on the ENSO prediction”, Invited seminar at Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Apr. 25, 2018.
"What you need to know about the climate models”, Invited seminar at Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao-Tung University, Apr. 17, 2018.
"A new North Pacific climate paradigm and its implication on the 2015 El Niño and ENSO prediction”, Invited seminar at Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Dec. 5, 2017.
"The updated North Pacific climate paradigm to enhance the future ENSO prediction”, Invited seminar at Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University, Nov. 28, 2017.
"The outlook of South China Sea ocean dynamics”, invited presentation at The 13 th Working Group Meeting on the study of Tides and Sea Level Change and Their Impacts on Coastal Environment in the South China Sea, Jakarta, Nov. 15, 2017
"An ENSO prediction approach based on ocean conditions and ocean-atmosphere coupling”, Invited Seminar at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Sep. 7, 2017.
"High resolution modeling of the South China Sea circulation”, Invited talk at International Science Forum on the South China Sea, Taipei, Sep. 4-5, 2017.
"The ocean circulation models and turbulence”, Intensive Lectures at UNESCO/IOC-ODC Seventh Training Course on Development of Coupled Regional Ocean Models, Qingdao, China, Jun. 12-23, 2017
"Implication of a new North Pacific climate paradigm on the ENSO prediction and 2015 El Niño”, Seminar at Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, May 17, 2016.
"Linking Pacific Asian marginal seas with Pacific climate variability and its predictability”, Invited seminar at Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Mar. 25, 2016.
"North and equatorial Pacific ocean circulation in the CORE-II hindcast simulations”, Invited seminar at Center for Earth System Science, Tsing-hua University, Beijing, Oct. 13, 2015.
"Overview of a new North Pacific Climate Paradigm and the impact of Pacific Asian 14YU-HENG TSENG Marginal Seas”, Invited seminar at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego, Mar. 19, 2015.
"Overview of a new North Pacific Climate Paradigm and the impact of Pacific Asian Marginal Seas”, Seminar at Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Oct. 7, 2014.
"Development of a 1/16° Eddy-resolving Global Ocean Simulation within an Earth System Model Framework”, Invited Talk in Multi-scale Ocean Circulation System Workshop, Madeira, Portugal, Aug. 11, 2014.
"The link between Pacific subtropical cell and tropical climate variability”, Invited seminar at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Aug. 5, 2014.
"Overview of a new North Pacific Climate paradigm and the teleconnection of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool”, Invited seminar at Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Aug. 12, 2013.
"Parallel Domain-decomposed Taiwan multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD- TIMCOM)”, Invited TIMS seminar on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamic, Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences, May 27, 2011.
"Parallel Domain-decomposed Taiwan multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD- TIMCOM)”, Invited seminar at Department of Marine Environmental Informatics, National Taiwan Ocean University, May 26, 2011.
"Parallel Domain-decomposed Taiwan multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD- TIMCOM)”, Invited seminar at Center of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, National Chiao-Tung University, May 5, 2011.
"From the world of fluid mechanics to global warming”, Invited seminar at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Hua University, Dec. 21, 2010.
"What supercomputers can and cannot do”, Invited seminar at Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Nov. 29, 2010.
"From the world of fluid mechanics to global warming”, Invited seminar at Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Dec. 3, 2010.
"Development of Parallel domain-decomposed Taiwan Multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD-TIMCOM)”, Invited seminar at Institute of Marine Geology and Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Oct. 27, 2010.
"Parallel domain-decomposed Taiwan Multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD- TIMCOM)”, Invited talk in The 17 th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Taiwan, Longtan, Taiwan, Jul. 29-31, 2010.
"The development of parallel domain-decomposed Taiwan Multi-scale Community Ocean Model (PD-TIMCOM)”, Invited talk in The 22 nd International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 17-21, 2010.
"Patient-specific cardiovascular modeling system using immersed boundary technique”, Invited seminar at Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Dec. 28, 2009.
"Modeled oceanic response and sea surface cooling to typhoon Kai-Tak”, Invited seminar at Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Dec. 24, 2009.
"The Taiwan multi-scale Community Ocean Model (TIMCOM)”, Invited seminar at Department of Systems Engineering & Naval Architecture, National Taiwan Ocean University, Nov. 17, 2009.
"Introduction of the three-dimensional Ocean Model”, Invited seminar at Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan University, Mar. 23, 2009. 15YU-HENG TSENG
"On the development of multiple-grids, fully coupled numerical ocean modeling”, Invited seminar at Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, National Defense University, Jan. 10, 2009.
"Trends of sea level rise in the regional seas around Taiwan”, 2008 Climate Change Workshop, Taipei, Nov. 18, 2008.
"Trends of sea level rise in the regional seas around Taiwan”, Invited talk in 2008 Taiwan Climate Change Symposium, Central Weather Bureau, Aug. 25-26, 2008.
"On the development of multiple-grids, fully coupled numerical ocean modeling system”, Invited seminar at Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Jan. 3, 2008
"Statistical analysis of the interannual and decadal climate variability in Western Pacific”, Invited seminar in the Workshop on the Climate Change Studies, Dec. 18, 2007.
"From fish swimming to global warming”, Invited seminar at Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao-Tung University, invited seminar, Nov. 13, 2007.
"Using immersed boundary method in the turbulent boundary layer flows”, Invited seminar at Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Nov. 5, 2007.
"On the development of multiple-grids, fully coupled numerical ocean modeling”, Invited talk in the Computational Hydrometeorology and Prof. H. L. Kuo’s Memorial Symposium, Hsin-chu, Oct. 15-17, 2007.
"From fish swimming to global warming”, Invited seminar at Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University, Apr. 10, 2007.
"From fish swimming to global warming”, Invited seminar at Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academic Sinica, Mar. 21, 2007.
"From fish swimming to global warming”, Invited seminar at Institute of Marine Environmental Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Mar. 6, 2007.