
NSTC Grant# 112-2611-M-002-016-MY3 "未來氣候變遷情境下黑潮及黑潮延伸流變異 Variability of Kuroshio and its extension under future climate change scenario”, 8/2023-7/2026, PI
NSTC Grant# 111-2111-M-002-015“ 第二代台灣地球系統模式之發展與建置--台灣地球系統模式新一代海洋模式整合與調教 The updated ocean component of TaiESM and its calibration”, 8/2022-7/2023, PI
MOST Grant# 108-2111-M-002 -006 -MY3“ 整合台灣多尺度社區海洋模式於台灣地球系統模式中探討海洋中尺度渦漩變異 Integrating the TIMCOM into the TaiESM to investigate the impacts of meso-scale eddies”, 8/2019-7/2022, PI
MOST Grant# 107-2611-M-002-013-MY4 “ 發展全面偶合全球氣候系統模式改進年代際氣候預報 Improving the Decadal Climate Prediction using a New Fully-Coupled Global Climate System Model”, 8/2018-7/2022, PI
CWB 107年度「全球預報模式偶合海洋參數模組軟體建置」案, 2/2018-12/2017, PI
CWB 106年度「全球預報模式偶合海洋參數模組軟體建置」案, 7/2017-12/2017, PI
MOST Grant# 106-2111-M-002-001 “新一代全面偶合全球氣候系統模式發展及驗證 The Development and Validation of a New-generation, Fully-Coupled Global Climate System Model”, 5/2017-7/2018, PI
NASA “Investigating the Impact of Dust on Storm Development over North Africa and East Atlantic through Satellite Data, Coupled-Modeling, and Data Assimilation”, 10/2016-9/2019, Co-PI NSF Grant# 1419306 “Collaborative Research EaSM-3: Quantifying Predictability Limits, Uncertainties, Mechanisms, and Regional Impacts of Pacific Decadal Climate Variability”, 9/2014 - 8/2017, Co-PI
DOE SciDAC DE-SC0006769 “Collaborative Project: Improving the Representation of Coastal and Estuarine Processes in Earth System Models”, 9/2011-9/2014, investigator
NSC Grant# 100-2811-M-002-140 “發展高解析度全球海洋模式探討全球溫鹽環流與海洋氣候之影 響 Developing the High-resolution Global Ocean Model to Investigate the Impacts of Turbulent Abyssal Currents on the Global Thermohaline Circulation and Ocean Climate”, 8/2011-3/2012, PI

Before 2010

NSC Grant# 99-2628-M-002-010 “全球溫鹽環流動力研究與海洋氣候之影響 The expanded influence of turbulent abyssal currents on the global thermohaline circulation”, 8/2010-7/2011, PI
NSC Grant# 99-2811-M-002-107 “蘭陽溪流域近千年來的環境變遷與人類活動--子計畫三:臺灣東 北部區域近千年氣候系統特徵之模擬與驗證(3/3) Environmental change and human activity over the last 1000 years in the Lan-Yang river drainage system: ECHA1000(3/3)”, 8/2010-7/2011, PI
NSC Grant# 98-2628-M-002-001 “多尺度全面偶合海氣地模式發展(3/3) The development of a fully- coupled modeling refinement through coastal processes integration (3/3)”, 8/2009-7/2010, PI
NSC Grant# 98-2627-M-002-012 “蘭陽溪流域近千年來的環境變遷與人類活動--子計畫三:臺灣東 北部區域近千年氣候系統特徵之模擬與驗證(2/3) Environmental Change and Human Activity over the Last 1000 Years in the Lan-Yang River Drainage System: ECHA1000(2/3)”, 8/2009-7/2010, PI
NSC Grant#98-2621-M-005-001 “台灣、東南亞河川流域及海洋之碳循環–從觀測到模擬--台灣、 東南亞河川流域及海洋之碳循環–從觀測到模擬(I) Carbon cycles in Taiwan and the South China Sea basin – from monitoring to modeling (CarboTaiwan Prelude)” 8/2009-7/2010, Co-PI
NSC Grant# 98-2621-M-002-001 “本地氣候變遷模式資料服務 Local Change Simulation and Global Change Research Services”, 1/2009-12/2009, Co-PI
NSC Grant# 97-2627-M-002-024 “蘭陽溪流域近千年來的環境變遷與人類活動--子計畫三:臺灣東 北部區域近千年氣候系統特徵之模擬與驗證(1/3) Environmental Change and Human Activity over the Last 1000 Years in the Lan-Yang River Drainage System: ECHA1000(1/3)”, 8/2008-7/2009, PI
NSC Grant# 97-2628-M-002-001 “多尺度全面偶合海氣地模式發展(2/3) The development of a fully- coupled modeling refinement through coastal processes integration (2/3)”, 8/2008-7/2009, PI
NSC Grant# 97-2621-M-002-002 “本地氣候變遷模式資料服務 Local Change Simulation and Global Change Research Services”, 1/2008-12/2008, Co-PI
NSC Grant# 96-2314-B-002-163 “心臟三維流場與心壁移動之交互作用-一個核磁共振之研究 Interaction between cardiac 3-dimensional velocimetry and wall motion-a MRI study”, 8/2007- 7/2008, Co-PI
NSC Grant#96-2628-M-002-010 “多尺度全面偶合海氣地模式發展(1/3) The development of a fully- coupled modeling refinement through coastal processes integration(1/3)”, 8/2007-7/2008, PI
NSC Grant#96-2745-M-002-003 “長期氣候變遷之機制探討與模式驗證The mechanism causing the saw-tooth pattern of natural climate change”, 8/2007-7/2008, PI
NSC Grant#95-2119-M-002-048 “北太平洋氣候變遷與區域性海氣交互作用之探討Global climate change and air-sea interaction in the North Pacific Ocean”, 10/2006-9/2007, PI
NARL“多重解析度台灣海洋模式之發展 Development of a multi-scale Taiwan community ocean model (TaiCOM)”, 1/2008-12/2008, Co-PI
CEPD “氣候變遷長期影響評估及因應策略研議委託辦理計畫”, 2/2008-2/2009, Co-PI