International  Workshop for 
Numerical Ocean Modeling and Prediction
Taipei, Taiwan
April 23-25, 2008
National Taiwan University, 
Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Institute of Oceanography
National Central University
Institute of Hydrological Sciences
Important Date
The Papers submission deadline is extended to
15 September, 2008.

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PAPERS-Recent Advances in Numerical Ocean Modeling and Prediction extended to 15, September


The Earth is experiencing significant changes in its climate and environment. The world¡¦s oceans play key roles in modulating and regulating climate change. Oceanographers, meteorologists and climate scientists are being called upon to make more accurate predictions about these changes and their influence on human society with increasing urgency. High resolution, accurate and verifiable numerical ocean models are essential tools for the understanding and prediction of long-term weather and climate, with El Niño, Asia monsoons and decadal variability being three very important examples. Modeling the ocean circulation and structure with fidelity is also critical to applications such as marine ecology and fisheries management, oil spills and pollution abatement, transportation and naval operation.

In recent years, ocean circulation real-time nowcasts and forecasts have become of increasing importance as their accuracy and reliability have increased. Operational ocean prediction is a complex challenge and requires sophisticated and robust protocols which necessitate comprehensive validation procedures and ongoing analysis. This workshop will bring together international leaders to discuss modern ocean modeling and prediction, using the most advanced numerical techniques and at scales ranging from coastal ocean to basin wide.

The workshop will be held between 23-25 April 2008, and will be focused on three major themes:

  1. Advanced numerical modeling techniques
  2. Air-sea interaction (e.g., ocean response to typhoon/hurricanes)
  3. Nowcast and forecast model skill assessment
Workshop will include oral and poster presentations for invited and contributed papers. Abstract should be submitted as an attachment to

Deadline for abstract submissions is 31 January, 2008. Registration is now open. Registration is free. For the special rate of this workshop, please make reservation before March 30th.